Cardiovascular & Stroke Screening
Could I be at risk for Heart Attack or Stroke?
The majority of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is caused by risk factors that can be controlled, treated or modified, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, overweight/obesity, tobacco use, lack of physical activity and diabetes. However there are also some major CVD risk factors that cannot be controlled. In terms of attributable deaths, the leading CVD risk factor is raised blood pressure (to which 13% of global deaths are attributed), followed by tobacco use (9%), raised blood glucose (6%), physical inactivity (6%), and over-weight and obesity (5%).
Current cardiovascular research has confirmed that heart attack, stroke and most forms of peripheral vascular disease is caused by abnormalities in the arterial wall. Current tools have not allowed physicians in the primary care setting to identify persons who have undetected (absence of symptoms) subclinical disease. Vasogram is a new technology that allows physicians to assess the status of the arterial wall and thus helpful in identifying and quantifying an individual's level of cardiovascular disease risk.
What is Vasocor?
Vasocor is a device that has a Cardiovascular Assessment and Risk Evaluation module that will receive and analyze data and then predict risk for heart attack, stroke and sympto-matic peripheral vascular disease. It is a non-invasive and measures blood volume in the arteries via the careful placement of blood pressure cuffs on the arm, calf, and thigh. Since 50% of patients that develop heart disease exhibit none of the classic symptoms, increased accuracy offers significant benefit to patients by identifying risk much earlier.
What happens during the Vasocor Exam?
Blood pressure cuffs are placed on the arms, thigh and calf during the various phases of the test to measure local arterial volume change.
What are the common uses of Vasocor?
Vasocor Measures: